Tekumel Empire Of The Petal Throne Pdf

Empire of the Petal Throne (Original Manuscript) (M.A.R Barker's World of Tekumel) If you have a mental entry-point to the world named 'Tekumel' or 'EPT' then you may get rather excited about this document which was originally released prior to TSR's 1975 release of this D&D based game. After a brief introduction on the history of the game’s design, Bill will lead up to 12 players into the Tekumel Underworld! Empire of the Petal Throne by Professor MAR Barker is one of the most lavishly conceived fantasy worlds of all time! When TSR published Empire of the Petal Throne in 1975 and it was a natural success. Empire of the Petal Throne (Original Manuscript) (M.A.R Barker's World of Tekumel) If you have a mental entry-point to the world named 'Tekumel' or 'EPT' then you may get rather excited about this document which was originally released prior to TSR's 1975 release of this D&D based game. A dragon's horde of all the tabletop RPGs you need from Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, World of Darkness, to Shadowrun - all available for free to download.

Fabled Lands: Tirikelu: role-playing adventures in the empire of the Petal Throne

This is a companion document to our Kurt Hills Atlas map. The fiefs are named, the villages, towns, cities and other sites within each fief are listed, and the seat of the fief where the fiefholder resides is identified. Usable in any Tekumel-based game. Strange alien creatures prowl the wilderness. Mighty heroes do battle in the arenas. Underground chambers hold vast treasures. Opposing temples wrestle for Imperial influence.
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Published 24.10.2019
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As a fantasy world you can actually inhabit and explore, as opposed to just visit in a story, I don't think anything else comes close. With a fully committed group of players you can have the kind of immersion that other roleplaying campaigns barely dream of. That's a very common reaction to first encountering Tekumel. I know I had it that way. Unfortunately my initial foray into the setting was the Gardisayal boxed set, which did a good job of pretending to be a starter set for Tekumel newbies at first glance but was completely lacking in Tekumel background information and character creation rules Fortunately you have better options available now. I didn't even bother to keep my copy of Gardasiyal.

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Barker over the course of several decades from around Barker, like the better-known J. Tolkien , considered not just the creation of a fantasy world but also an in-depth development of the societies and languages of the world. In other words, the setting also provided a context for Barker's constructed languages which were developed in parallel from the mid-to-late s, long before the mass-market publication of his works in roleplaying game and book form. In order for his imaginary languages to have this type of depth, Barker developed entire cultures, histories, dress fashions, architectural styles, weapons, armor, tactical styles, legal codes, demographics and more, inspired by Indian , Middle Eastern , Egyptian and Meso-American mythology in contrast to the majority of such fantasy settings, which draw primarily on European mythologies.

This is an incredibly detailed science fantasy world, and the basis for the first complete world setting published by TSR Hobbies. A rich, complex world and a complete set of rules, Empire of the Petal Throne includes rules for character generation, magic, monsters, adventuring, societies and languages. Hardcover and softcover: pp. PDF: pp. You can find the archives of the Blur Room at www.

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Episode 6, 'Empire of the Petal Throne, Part 1'

Episode 6:“Empire of the Petal Throne, Part 1”

Welcome to The Hall of Blue Illumination, a podcast dedicated to the world of M.A.R. Barker’s Tékumel.Scott has recently started an Empire of the Petal Throne game, so in this episode we discuss some of the more abstruse aspects of the 1975 rules set.

Our hosts close out the episode with pronunciations of the names of the Five Gods of Stability.

Show Notes:

[00:01:20]In Scott’s youth, he believed the 1975 rules set inferior to more modern rule systems.But now he now realizes that EPT is a wonderful game as written.

[00:02:45]What is meant by “bonuses to hit dice” with respect to Basic Talents?Hint, it’s not like D&D.Instead, these bonuses are to your “to hit dice” i.e., your attack roll. (See EPT §§ 411-412, p. 15; § 710, p. 30)

[00:07:37]Rules for finding secret doors and detecting traps.(EPT § 412, p. 16; see also EPT § 1210, p. 62)

[00:10:22]Constitution modifiers in EPTdo not modify hit points.(EPT § 413, p. 17)

[00:13:30]Constitution scores can affect one’s ability to use eyes, or to be revivified.(EPT § 413, p. 17)

[00:16:20]Unless you’ve picked up the original playtest rules, you won’t know that Comeliness wasn’t an original EPT statistic.This provides a window into Professor Barker’s approach to roleplaying.

[00:20:09]Real world analogs to Tsolyáni foods, tsi’il, hmá, and hmélu.

[00:20:52]In a “fresh off the boat” campaign, how do you reconcile the civilized Tsolyáni skills in § 420 with foreign player characters?

[00:25:19]How do you reconcile high rolls for original skills (which can yield patrician skills) with plebian characters, and vice versa? (EPT § 420, p. 18)

[00:27:16]EPT’s skill system predicts the non-weapon proficiencies of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.

[00:28:06]The chance of succeeding at a skill is determined by rolling on the Chances of Spells Working Table (EPT § 434, p. 21).

[00:29:10]James reveals one of his house rules: occasionally, he transposes high Basic Talent scores to the Psychic Ability Chart (EPT § 414, p. 17) and where this chart gives bonuses to spells working, adds that to appropriate skill rolls.

[00:30:05]How do you handle ability checks?Players can simply attempt to roll under the score, or roll under the average of the character’s strength, intelligence, and dexterity.(EPT § 725, p. 33)

Tekumel Empire Of The Petal Throne Pdf Free

[00:32:46]A one-minute combat round is standard in EPT.(EPT § 724, p. 33)Why?It’s a legacy of the abstract combat system present in ‘70s-era war-gaming.(See AD&D 1st Edition Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 61)

[00:37:58]Players frequently forget that EPT combat rounds are fought in pairs.Therefore, if a defender is slain during the attacker’s round, he still gets a chance to strike a dying blow.(EPT § 724)

[00:38:30]In Swords & Glory, the combat round is six-seconds.(S&G Vol. 2 § 2.500, p. 87)

[00:39:07]Swords & Glory and Gardásiyal are more granular systems.

[00:41:25]“Gods, Cohorts, and Divine Intervention” is a massive add-on that D&D would later mirror in Deities and Demigods. (EPT § 2100, p. 86)

Tekumel Empire Of The Petal Throne Pdf

[00:42:22]Pronunciation guide for the names of the Tlomitlányal (the Five “Gods” of Stability).

[00:47:25]The pronunciation of kh in the languages of the Five Empires.

Hosts:Scott Kellogg, James Maliszewski, and Victor J. Raymond

Products Referenced:

Empire of the Petal Throne is available as a PDF from RPGNow.

The original manuscript of Empire of the Petal Throne is available as a PDF from RPGNow.

Swords & Glory Vol. 2 is available as a PDF or in print from RPGNow.

The Gardásiyal rules set is out-of-print.It was originally published by Theatre of the Mind Enterprises between 1992 and 1994.

Other Things:

Empire Of The Petal Throne Pdf


The original Chainmail rules were published by Gary Gygax and Jeff Perren in 1971.They are available as a PDF from RPGNow.

Empire Of The Petal Throne

The Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition Dungeon Master’s Guide is available as a PDF from RPGNow.

The “From the Sorcerer’s Scroll” article Victor referenced appears in The Dragon #24 (April 1979).It was reprinted in The Best of Dragon Magazine, Vol. 2 (1981).

A Gard?siyal Mapmaking Guide.pdf

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You can email us at citizen@tekumelpodcast.com.You can also find us at our website, on Twitter, or on Facebook.