Sims 4 Blind Mod

1.) Break Up Anytime– Lets Sims breakup with each other, no relationship decay needed!

Broken/Updated Mods & CC: Skin Tones, Dec. 2020 This topic is for collecting reports on mod and custom content (CC) status after the December 7, 2020, skin tones patch. Please keep discussion to reports. GAME-RATED CONTENT ONLY: Mods that breaks the T game rating cannot be discussed in these official forums and will not be included in.

2.) Communal Showers– Lets children and teens to shower in the same room as others (say for instance a Gym shower)

3.) Extended Family– Allows the game to recognize great-grandparents, second cousins, great aunts/uncles etc as family.

4.) In Laws Fix- You know how when your sim gets married their parents always try to hit on the new spouse? That is because there is a bug where the new spouse considers the parents family but the parents don’t consider the new spouse family.

Blind eyes for unique Sims. Scum Of The Earth Blind Eyes Types Of Eyes Sims 4 Cc Finds Sims 4 Mods Electronic Art Frisk Maxis Eye Color. More information. Thanks for joining us for a new episode of Creators Spotlight!For today’s episode, I spoke with the illustrious LittleMsSam, the creator of way too many mods to list but notably SimDa, the Ultrasound mod, and the Random Small Mods pack. Her mods for The Sims 4 fix or overhaul nearly every facet of the game, and add great new features or quality-of-life improvements.

Sims 4 Blind Mod

5.) Met Great Grand Child– With this hack, sims will get a custom memory when they have great-grandchildren, similar to the one they get when they have grandchildren.

6.) More Useful Apologies– This replacement is reprogrammed so that when you instruct a sim to apologize, if the apology is accepted any “furious” state is wiped out, and their relationship is reset to just above zero, (or higher if they got on well before they became furious). Gives them a chance for a real fresh start.

7.) No Friendship Loss Notification– Great for those whose Sim has a ton of friends/relationships but don’t really want to be bogged down with all the notifications when they fall under 50.

8.) Relationship Remover– Sometimes you didn’t want your Sim to meet another/have contact or just to lose contact with another Sim. This lets you do that. Does not erase memories made with them.

9.) Sibling Torment for All– The Fight…/Torment interaction introduced by Apartment Life can only be done by blood-related siblings. This mod expands it so it can be done by children and teens who are not siblings as well, to satisfy wants or just to have another interaction

10.) ACR- Autonomous Casual Relationships– This is a great mod and don’t think just because it’s #10 it’s low on the list! This mod makes social and romantic interactions more possible than Sims on their own. It is a big mod so use with care.

11.) Same Sex Marriage- This mod replaces joined unions for same sex couples with actual marriage. It affects all the relevant interactions, wants, fears, and memories

12.) Easy Sofa Global Hack– This is a simple global hack which enables sims to have romantic interaction more easily. Relationship points doesn’t matter. Sims will not reject romantic relationship even if they don’t like each other.

13.) Easy Bed 091117– Easy bed is an object which enables users to customize romantic interaction level between sims depending on user’s preference. Also you can turn on / off privacy and so on. This is not a global hack.

14.) Last Name Copier 0807070– LastNameCopier is a simple tool object with which you can copy surname between sims easily.

15.) Woohoo Count Fix– The way the game counts a sim’s Woohoo memories is flawed. The game has wants such as “Woohoo with 10 Different Sims” and so on, but the game does not even check the subject sim when counting these memories. It simply counts all the Woohoo memories a sim has, despite the fact that a sim can woohoo with the same sim in different types of woohoo, such as Public Woohoo or NPC Woohoo. This means that you can easily achieve many of the Woohoo wants without actually woohooing with the required number of sims, making the Woohoo wants easier to achieve than Make Out wants, which are counted properly, because there is only one kind of Make Out memory.

16.) Found Family– Do you have sims who are raised by more than two parents, but annoyingly the game does not consider the non-biological parents to be family? Or “siblings” who were raised together but don’t technically share parents, so the game doesn’t mark them as family? Or just sims who are really close and ought to be able to use Family Kiss?

17.) “Met New Great-Grandchild” memory– I guess EA never imagined sims would live to see their great-grandchildren (even though they gave us resurrection and vampires and elixir of life!). With this hack, sims will get a custom memory when they have great-grandchildren, similar to the one they get when they have grandchildren. Its made this to go along with my extended family hack, which will also allow family interactions between great-grandparents and great-grandchildren, but this actually doesn’t require it.

18.) Sibling Torment for all– The Fight…/Torment interaction introduced by Apartment Life can only be done by blood-related siblings. This mod expands it so it can be done by children and teens who are not siblings as well, to satisfy wants or just to have another interaction. There are three flavors.

Sims 4 Blind Mod

19.) Relationships Panel Remover– This is a cloned Gnome. I added option “Relationships Panel Remover” which allows you to remove unwanted sims in your “Relationships Panel” screen. This hack will not affect memories and relationship scores, it will just simply remove them from your panel and they will appear again once you make a conversation to them. But it will affect your telephone directory and email address book, the sims that you removed will not appear there and they will appear again once you make a conversation to them.

20.) Gender preference– his mod slightly alters the way gender preference works in romantic socials. EX: A gay male sim will not try to flirt with another male sim, even if both are in love each other, unless the target sim is gay or bisexual too.
With this mod, the gay sim will flirt autonomously with target sim, either he’s gay, bisexual or straight.

21.) Make out _IS_ a romantic social, dammit!– Bug existing since the base game: while all the other kisses trigger the crush or love in sims, if their relationship points are high enough, the make out one does not.This fix resolves the issue.

22.) Marriage: Last Name Chooser– It’s like ChristianLov’s except this happens when you are at the alter getting married. Not sure if the two conflict but I would just pick one.

23.) Romantic Flags Batch Cleaner– This mod is similar to others like the Sim Manipulator except this can wipe out all relationships in one fell swoop if so desired.

24.) No Jealousy Unless Married/Engaged/Going Steady– Will make it so that only sims who are married, engaged or going steady will be jealous of one another, other sims will not experience jealousy no matter the level of their LTR and STR.

25.) Marriage – No Name Change– Normally, when two Sims get married, the new couple takes the last name of the Sim who requested the marriage. This mod changes the behavior so that no name change occurs.

26.) Gender Preference Adjuster– Oudated with ACR but useful if you don’t want or can’t use ACR.

27.) Bisexual Influence Fix– When you use influence on a bisexual sim in an unmodified game, you can direct romance at sims of only one gender. The game looks at the bisexual sim’s gender preferences and picks the higher, populating the influence list with only men or women. My mod allows bisexual sims to choose from either.

Sims 4 Weight Gain Mod

28.) Less Jealousy–

  • Dates – Sims on dates will always become jealous regardless of relationship. If you go on a blind date, and the other person spends the evening flirting with the waiter, it’s probably not going to go well.
  • Threesomes – No jealousy if everyone involved is in love. Specifically, if sim A and B have a romantic interaction observed by Sim C, and Sim C is in love with both Sim A and Sim B then there will be no jealousy.
  • Commitment – Other than the situations above, sims will feel jealousy only if going steady, engaged or married.

29.) Less Naked Freakout– Sims will no longer freak out when seeing their lovers naked. The mod specifically looks at sims who are in love. Ideally it would instead look for woohoo memories, but that’s more complicated and ultimately not really worth it.

Sims 4 Blind Mod

30.) Makeout Want Fix– Sims initiating make outs get the make out want satisfied at the beginning of the action rather than at the end.

31.) No Auto Dance Kiss– Sims won’t do the dance kiss interaction autonomously. Player can still direct sims to do it.

32.) No Hidden Woohoo– Visitors will no longer leave when residents have woohoo.

33.) Relationship Decay Fix– Fixes bug which causes game to error out when calculating the 4 pm relationship decay on very large families.

34.) Stop Kissing Me– Sims will no longer kiss when greeting or saying goodbye unless the relationship is crush or love.

35.) Fall out of love automatically when LTR is below 70– This mod automatically clears the love & crush flags if a sims str/ltr falls below 70,it also prevents the loosing a friend messages from popping up.

36.) Smooth Talk Interaction Enabled– This mod enables the smooth talk interaction for all sims.

37.) No Autonomous Cuddle Under Stars– This mod prevents sims from autonomously cuddling under the stars/clouds.

Sims 4 Blind Eyes Mod

38.) No Autonomous Suck Face– As requested. One of the lamest romantic interactions to date, methinks. This should stop your Sims from sucking face autonomously.

39.) Fun Gain While Making Out– Because pixel people need to have fun making out too.

40.) No Autonomous Dance Kiss– This mod prevents sims from autonomously doing the dance kiss interaction.

41.) Adults Go Steady– With a friendly breakup option enabled.

42.) Asexual ACR Plugin-With this mod, if a sim has an ACR token that has been flagged “No Woohoo Allowed” (one of the options under “Autonomy”) that sim also won’t roll woohoo wants. Mainly meant for playing asexual alloromantic sims, who you want not to roll woohoo wants for their romantic partner(s) (or in general, but depending on the sim’s aspiration you might not have seen very many generic “have woohoo”/”have very first woohoo” wants anyway).

43.) “Ask to Leave Partner” Social-It appears between two sims in love if Sim B is engaged/married to someone else. If Sim B loves their partner and has a stronger relationship with them than Sim A they’ll reject Sim A, otherwise they’ll agree and, if their partner is on the lot, they’ll go break up with their partner right away.

44.) A More Realistic Romance System– DSS (“Dark Side Of Sims 2”) consists of three interacting components: a) modified relation behavior, based on attraction (called SRM = Sims Relation Manager) b) teen-adult relations, including teen pregnancy (called TAM = Teen-Adult Manager) c) more difficulties, more diseases, more deaths, more breaking objects, all based on both random dice rolls and sims’ / pets’ personality (the actual “DSS” itself)

45.) Confess To Cheating Social-Sims who have a “had an affair” memory with no following “got caught cheating” memory can “confess to cheating” to their “steady”/fiancee/spouse. It leads to a relationship drop (both between Sim A and Sim B, and between Sim B and the sim Sim A had their most recent affair with – eg. if Don confesses to cheating on Cassandra, she’ll wind up furious with Nina because that’s the most recent person Don remembers having an affair with), and “caught cheating/got caught cheating” memories. Depending on personality, Sim A’s charisma, Sim B’s STR/LTR towards Sim A, and Sim B’s history (i.e. have they had a partner cheat on them before and known about it), Sim B may forgive Sim A and experience a small relationship drop, or be left furious with a large relationship drop. A lot of this – relationship drop, how big an affect various factors have on whether or not Sim B forgives Sim A, etc. – are BCON tunable. It’s non-autonomous.

46.) Develop Crush/Love-Sims have an option to “develop crush/love” on other sims of the same age group (teen-to-teen or adult/elder-to-adult/elder), which will set the “crush”/”love” flag and also trigger the crush/love FX (sound effect, floating pink hearts above their head). It’s one-sided, so you can make an unrequited crush/love if you want.

47.) Friendly Break-Up– There are three outcomes: “bad breakup” happens if Sim A has poor relationship with Sim B (dictated by STR, because I figure a bad breakup can be very heat-of-the-moment so it’s how Sim A feels about Sim B in that moment that should matter). If Sim A has a good relationship with Sim B they’ll try to be gentler and use the OFB lay off employee animations: if Sim B’s aspiration is good they’ll take it relatively well and just be disappointed, but if it’s bad they’ll be angry. If they take it well Sim B won’t run off to cry or move out and their kids won’t react – everyone still gets memories so they might have a cry later, but it’s a lot less dramatic.

48.) Go Steady Memory Edit– Changes the memory text to “My sweetie’s all mine now! Is this true love? Time will tell…”

49.) No Cuddle Under Sheets-Disables the cuddle under sheets interaction introduced in AL.

50.) No Cuddle Under Stars On Floor– Now the “cuddle under clouds/stars” invisible marker thing that tells sims where to lay down can’t be placed on flooring.

51.) No Engagement/Marriage Wants Toward Non-Crushes/Loves-Your sims will not roll wants to get engaged to or marry sims they don’t at least have a crush on.

52.) Tuck In Love/All-Enables “Tuck In” between sims if Sim A is in love with Sim B. Also comes with a version that unlocks tuck in, allowing you to direct your sims to tuck each other in if the requirements for the interaction are met.

53.) Go Steady for Adults + Last Name Dialog– Combines two mods into one so you can now ask adults to go steady and have the same last name dialoge when getting married/joined union. Also changes the animation features of asking to go steady and some romantic hug.

54.) Romantic Standard Plug In– This is an add-on to this huge and frequently updated mod called Romantic Standards that replaces the jealousy checks in that mod to only happen if Sims are either on a date, or are in a committed relationship (Steady/Engaged/Married.