Medieval 2 Trait List


Medieval 2 Trait List

Home / Medieval II Total War / England / Traits / Diplomat's traits
The Aztecs
The Byzantine Empire
The Holy Roman Empire
The Mongols
The Moors
The Papal States
The Timurids
The Turks
1AgentPietyAgentPiety1DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden trait for agents+10 PietyHidden
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : AgentPiety 1
Chance : 100 %
2BraveDiplomatCalm1Surviving an attempt on his life has instilled this man with a little more confidence than he had before the event.+1 Influence
When to test : ExecutesAnAssassinOnAMission
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : BraveDiplomat 1
Chance : 33 %
Sworn to Duty2Several close calls have led this man to start believing he's a bit more of a man than most of those he has to deal with.+2 Influence
Practically Dauntless3Survived so many attempts on his life that he now holds himself with extreme confidence in all situations.+3 Influence, -1 from personal security (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination)
3CowardDiplomatSomewhat Nervous1An attempt on this dignitary's life has shaken him enough to affect the way he holds himself.-1 Influence
When to test : SufferAssassinationAttempt
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : CowardDiplomat 1
Chance : 33 %
Feeling the Risks2Concerned for his safety, this diplomat has taken to keeping a guard with himself, even during 'private' audiences.-2 Influence, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
Trusts Nobody3So suspicious of another attempt on his life he has lost much of his ability to convey any sense of trust.-3 Influence, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
4MultilingualBilingual1Speaks both his faction's tongue, plus that of the locale he grew up in.+1 Influence
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
DistanceCapital >= 60
Affects : Multilingual 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
DistanceCapital >= 40
Affects : Multilingual 1
Chance : 33 %
Multilingual2Can speak fluently in several languages, making his work in foreign courts much more effective.+2 Influence
Translator4Fluent in most major dialects throughout Europe, Asia Minor and the Middle East.+3 Influence
5NaturalDiplomatSkillDiplomatic Nature1Has always had a talent for being able to talk things through amiably.+1 Influence
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : NaturalDiplomatSkill 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Trait NaturalDiplomatSkill = 1
Affects : NaturalDiplomatSkill 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Trait NaturalDiplomatSkill = 2
Affects : NaturalDiplomatSkill 1
Chance : 33 %
Natural Mediator2With his innate ability to settle disputes so well, it is no wonder he became a diplomat.+2 Influence
Diplomatic Genius3All his life this man has always been able to make others see things in a way they will be able to agree with him.+3 Influence
6ReligiousIntoleranceDogmatic Beliefs1When one grows up being subjected to only one faith, accepting the others is always very difficult.-1 Influence
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = diplomat
PopulationOwnReligion >= 80
Affects : ReligiousIntolerance 1
Chance : 50 %
Religiously Intolerant2Intolerant enough of other religions to the point he uses their names as derogatory terms.-2 Influence
Would-be-Inquisitor3So swift is this man to denounce any who would follow a religion aside his chosen faith, he would likely make a great Inquisitor.-3 Influence
7ReligiousToleranceNot Dogmatic1Growing up in an area without a truly dominant religion has made this man sensitive to what offends followers of different faiths.+1 Influence
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = diplomat
PopulationOwnReligion <= 70
Affects : ReligiousTolerance 1
Chance : 50 %
Respects other Religions2He may find the basis of some religions to be flawed, but he will not make the mistake of telling people so.+2 Influence
Open to all Religions3Offers total respect to the religious beliefs of those he encounters, even if they are totally contrary to his own.+3 Influence
8SecretiveDiscreet1Can be relied upon not to be bringing to light things that should be kept in the dark.+1 Influence
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : Secretive 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : Secretive 1
Chance : 20 %
Secretive2Able to feign ignorance on almost any topic that is best not discussed.+2 Influence, 5% bonus on bribery attempts (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
Impossible to Read4Able to mask every word and gesture in a manner that gives absolutely nothing away he doesn't wish given.+3 Influence, 10% bonus on bribery attempts (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
9SmoothTalkerStretches Loyalties2Has some talent for making men question the merits of their masters.10% bonus on bribery attempts (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : SmoothTalker 2
Chance : 10 %
Breaks Loyalties4Very good at exposing any lingering resentment men have for those they answer to.20% bonus on bribery attempts (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
Changes Loyalties6So great at skewing perceptions that he could convince a man to betray one he loves for one he despises.30% bonus on bribery attempts (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
10TalkativeTalkative2Sometimes prone to over elaborating on a point, bringing other things to light that didn't need to be.-1 Influence, 5% bonus on bribery attempts (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : Talkative 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : Talkative 1
Chance : 20 %
Gossips4Is careless in the way he trades secrets, he enjoys it too much to hold back.-2 Influence
Utterly Indiscreet8No secret is secret for long when this man knows it. His name is a byword for foolish indiscretion and loose talk.-3 Influence, 5% penalty on bribery attempts (decreases the chances that a bribe will be successful)the Gossip
Royal Military Academy - Sitemaps
Total War: Rome II
Units in Custom Battle
Total War: Shogun 2
Shogun 2: Rise of the Samurai
Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai
Total War: Napoleon
Total War: Empire
Total War: Medieval II
Medieval II - Americas
Medieval II - Britannia
Medieval II - Crusades
Medieval II - Tutonic
Total War: Medieval II - MODs
Broken Crescent 1.05
Broken Crescent 2.02
Stainless Steel 5.1b
Stainless Steel 6.1
Deus Lo Vult 5.7
Deus Lo Vult 6.0
HTF: Eagle of the Elbe 05
The Long Road 2.0
Lands to Conquer Gold
DarthMod 1.4D: The Last Episode
Das Heilige Romische Reich 06
Third Age 1.3
Third Age 1.4
Third Age 2.1
Third Age 3.1
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MedievalMedievalListMedieval 2 Trait List

Medieval Total War 2 Trait Listesi

Medieval 2 Traits List with Trait IDs Below is a searchable list of all 338 traits from Medieval 2: Total War, along with each trait's trait ID for use in console commands and cheats. Medieval II Total War Units on This site is not endorsed by The Creative Assembly or SEGA, please readread.