And Of Clay Are We Created By Isabel Allende Pdf

And of Clay Are We Created ISABEL ALLENDE Persona is the voice through which the author tells his or her story. In fiction, the narrator is as much a character invented by the author as any of the other indi-viduals in the story. As readers, our perception of what is happening is shaped by the feelings and opin-ions of the narrator. And of Clay Are We Made written by Isabel Allende is a story where the author focuses on tone through setting, characterization, conflict, theme, special techniques, and diction. Where the price of human life is nothing, and the leaders are more concerned with other problems.

Magic realism originated in the writings of Latin American authors. These authors like Isabel Allende and Gabriel Garcia-Marquez traveled to Europe where they were influenced by the artists who were exploring this theme. In Magic Realism fairy tales are blended into the real-world stories. The stories incorporate spiritual elements such as ghosts and spirits and supernatural experiences that are observed by the characters as ordinary.


Have the students watch a film of the magic realism genre and have them pick out three elements in the story that qualify as magic realism. Have them explain the writers purpose in including that scene.

Dedicate class time to reading a selection of magic realism stories and have the students analyze the figurative language and how that helps develop the story.

Have the students explore the influence of magic realism art in the Latin American writers who traveled to Europe and incorporated the same in their writings. What elements of the paintings and art influenced the writers?

Have the students look for the Magic Realism influence on American writers and artists.

And Of Clay Are We Created By Isabel Allende Pdf

Elements of Pop-Culture:




Isabel Allende is known for her pieces written in magic realism. Magic Realism is when the realistic narrative and naturalistic technique are combined with surreal elements of dream or fantasy. Many of her pieces encompass this style. However, And Of Clay Are We Created is a little different than her normal style. The Title is also symbolic of the events that occur in the story. Though it is taken from a verse it can take a different meaning when reading the text.

And Of Clay Are We Created is more of a realist piece. Realism describes events exactly as they happened and accepting a situation as it is. The story of And Of Clay Are We Created is based off of real events that occurred in Columbia in 1855 and are told through the eyes of a reporter. The events that occur over three days are told very plain and vividly, which give the piece its realist feel. The narrator moves through the plot and through time in a very matter-of-fact way. The way she describes the town in which the volcano had erupted and the avalanche had struck, destroying everything in its path is very dark and dismal. Instead of creating an imaginary scene and making it real, Allende creates a story based on real events.

And Of Clay Are We Created By Isabel Allende Pdf File

The title And Of Clay Are We Created could have many meanings, but one particularly stood out. The title comes from the proverb “we are all made of the same clay”, in which comes from biblical passages referring to humans being created of clay and “dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return”.¹ This references not only human’s shared creation, but also their shared mortality. Many interpret the title as referring to the town being covered in volcanic ash and clay. However, there could be a hidden meaning relating to Rolf’s experience in the ruins.

As Rolf lays with Azucena in the debris and clay he begins to flashback on his past. He recalls his distraught mother, his abusive father, the time he spent burying dead bodies in concentration camps after the second world war. All of these things are described as being pushed back or suppressed in Rolf’s mind. He uses journalism and media to forget about his dark past, but after the time he spends in the clay he is able to reconnect with those memories and feelings. The narrator describes a change that occurs in Rolf after he looks back on his life and feels he has become a different person. Who Rolf was dies in the clay and a new person is resurrected from the same clay. In a way, he is resurrected from the clay. It is hard to say whether or not the person Rolf has become is better or worse, but one could argue that his ability to become attached to his feelings is and no longer live under a false persona, regardless of how his happiness is affected, is better than living as unattached as he was.

And Of Clay Are We Created By Isabel Allende Pdf Gratis

¹Martin Puchner, The Norton Anthology of World Literature, 3rd ed., vol. F (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2013), pg. #1224-1231.