Duke Nukem 3d Wad

For Duke Nukem 3D, various source ports are available to make the game compatible with modern operating systems, most commonly Windows. Source ports of Duke Nukem 3D cannot run without the files from either the shareware version, which can be downloaded for free, or one of the full versions of the game.

  • A Doom2 interpretation of the Duke Nukem 3D map01 'Hollywood Holocaust' (as close as I can make it until I learn how to edit ZDoom.) Weapons of Destruction My very first DEHACKED weapons conversion.
  • Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:15 am Post subject: Duke Nukem 3d wad? Is there a Duke Nukem 3d wad for doom 2? I was just playing it and wishing there was some kind of fun conversion out there.

Forget, for a moment, all this wanky 'Duke's better than Quake - No it isn't' stuff. Duke's here, Quake isn't. Quake is going to be a stunning game. But it isn't here yet. So let's talk about Duke, shall we? Basically, it's a great game. It's inventive, amusing, cool, and it's very hard. Most of you will probably have already played the share ware version, but some won't, so here's a quick run-down:


It's a Doom-clone, but better - buildings, for example, are proper buildings, with several floors and huge James Bond-style disappearing computer consoles. There are outsidey bits, and you can fly about with a jetpack, land on the roof of a building and work your way down through it. You can catch a tube, or go into the sewers and shoot sharks. You can shuttle around space stations with earth in the background. There are video monitors that you can use to check out your surroundings, and walls that can be blown out completely, allowing access to other areas. There are suspended walkways that can be brought crashing to the ground. There are ventilation shafts that you can get inside and crawl about in, emerging somewhere else. Most things (but not enough of them, some say) can be shot or blown up: windows, lights - you can even shoot aliens in the toilets, prompting all the usual 'blowing the shit out of them' jokes. It has puzzles and switches that are more hidden than Doom's, and levels that may get you stuck from time to time, Your character is funny. I won't quote him too much here, because these things always seem more amusing when you are playing rather than in print, but he does say, during an earthquake, 'I ain't afraid of no 'quake.' And he does sing 'Born to be wi-i-i-i-ild' in a karaoke club.

Duke Nukem 3d Wad

One slight drawback is the mouse aiming system, whereby you can look up and down as you progress, and which had me vomiting copiously after one four-hour session. (A hot Indian dish, if you must know, and yes, it hurt.) About the only thing I can think of more likely to induce nausea is a video of Paul Daniels and Debbie Magee having sex.

New stuff

Then there are the extras - two extra episodes, along with loads of in-game stuff like new weapons, some of which show the aliens obviously have a good sense of humour. Hey, maybe we should just buy them a couple of beers and have a laugh together... but I suppose that might not make such a good game. There are the new enemies: the chainguncarrying Enforcer; the airborne, mechanised death-dealing Sentry Drone: the rocket-firing, gravity-defying Assault Commander and the Protozoid Slimer, which runs up your trouser leg and sucks your brains out (something many people would pay good money for).

Duke Nukem Megaton Pc

There are evil bastards who are very hard to get rid of. like the Battle Lord, a huge lumbering bastard with no weaknesses. who shoots rapid fire artillery and mortar shells at you and can only be killed by repeated attacks; the Over-lord, who launches powerful rocket attacks from a surgically implanted launcher on its back (in episode 2); and the extremely scary Cycloid Emperor, who appears in episode 3. Plus there's the level designer, and the facility to convert any Doom wad into a Duke map.

Duke Nukem 3d Wad

Walk into our office at the moment and you'll see everyone playing one of two games, and other people standing behind watching. One is (still) Championship Manager 2 - and this is the other.

When it comes down to it, you could be a techno-snob and ignore this and wait for Quake to appear - or you could buy this and have a good time in the interim. It's easy for reviewers to suggest multiple purchases in situations like this, forgetting that everyone else has to pay for their games. But in this case.

I honestly think Duke is more than value for money. It's more inventive, and more entertaining, than Doom. I know they've had long enough to get it right (but so have many others, who've tried and failed), and I know that with Quake about to hit us. things have moved on in the meantime. Someone in the office said that this looks like a cartoon, and Quake looks real. This is also true, but that doesn't mean that this isn't a great game in its own right. We like it a lot. If Apogee don't make much money on it, they'll only have themselves to blame. They've timed its release really badly: it should have been out six months ago. But it's still good.

The Levellers

The level editor that comes with Duke is the very one that the designers use themselves, and allows you to edit everything that's in the game apart from the code that runs the game engine itself. It comes complete with a warning that if you cock up your copy of Duke using it, you're on your own, and that they won't offer any help with its use. Scary. Like Doom, you can sit down and design yourself an evil arena in plan view, but you can also go into the area you've just designed and work on it in 3D from within the level itself, making it much easier to realise that the level you've just made based on the exploration of a giant Pamela Anderson has genitals of the wrong sex and breasts that are too realistic.

Overall rating: 7.5

Duke Nukem Wav Files

Duke nukem 3d wad

Duke Nukem 3d Wad Download

Duke Nukem 3d Wad
duke3d-tools-build 6-28-2020 34F / 8.73M © RTCM Corvin

Duke3D BUILD Tools - Most of these tools where designed for Duke Nukem 3D using BUILD map Format 7.
Also, some tools only require you to do some renaming of your files to get some of the tools to work with other BUILD games/versions.

Map File Editing | Map File Support
Map File Readers/Viewers | Map File Converters
Lameduke Tools

Size (kb)
Ryan Hamshire (SirCruller)
5'NeoBuild is a program I designed to handle ordinary level-building functions, but with an easier to use interface. It reduces the typing needed in MS-DOS to a click of the mouse. I don't have a screen shot, but I will attempt to describe it accurately here for you. It's a small window, equipped with a listing of all map files in the current ( Duke ) directory/folder. After selecting a file or typing a new filename in the text bar near the top of the window, the user may click any of the many buttons to start build, play the map with or without monsters, load the corresponding text file in the MS-DOS text editor, make a backup copy of the current map, restore the map from a previously made backup file, or delete the selected map.
HackMap v1.02
Karel Blaskovic
90HACKMAP is an MSDOS based MAP file editor for DUKE NUKEM 3D. It was designed and created to assist in the production of top-quality DUKE3D levels. HACKMAP is an extremely powerful tool that is intended to supplement the BUILD level-editor for the serious level builder as well the novice who wishes only to take advantage of a few important features or to save time while making levels.
'Everything that isn't possible with Build, is possible with Hackmap'
(works with Atomic edition map files aswell)
OpenGL Build Touch v2.1(Win) (src inc v1.9.1)
James Ferry
823A program that is used to perform functions and create special effects that BUILD does not have included in it. It uses a Windows Explorer style dialogue box, and more functions have been implemented. Win32, uses OpenGL, compiled for Pentium processors.
Features include:
  • Palette editor - the only palette editor publically available, anywhere. Able to edit all six base palettes, all 25 alternate lookup tables and all 320 shade lookup tables.
  • Group file management - extract, add, delete files in group files, and create new archives. The fastest available group manager around.
  • Map editing - manually editing of all values
  • Map optimization - cleans up some map features to optimize run-time speed
  • External program management - manages external exceptionable and can run them
  • Patch file creation - creates patch files for Duke3D v1.3d (updated)
  • CON file optimization - cleans, shrinks and speeds up the CON code
  • Vastly increased performance speed and data handling
  • Requires Win95osr2 or compatible
  • src for v1.9.1 (src unlocked) 682KB
Build Touch v1.0(DOS)
James Ferry
115 'This program was developed for v1.3d, it might work on Plutonium and Atomic, I would not know. It should work on Atomic though, they seem the same.' -James Ferry

Editing utility for Duke Nukem 3D version 1.3D Registered user maps. A program that is used to perform functions and create special effects that BUILD does not have included in it.

Effects include: -Sector on Sector effects such as translucent water surfaces.

for DOS Mapster and DOS BUILD Editor to work together.
In Mapster and Build they are mutual hostility (at least, with me it was).
They did not desire to use one and the same file TABLES.DAT (it is located in the composition of GRP file for the game, but during the editing it must lie/rest at the folder with the editor as with the entire Art and Date files from the game.) It was necessary to devise the alternate route...
Camera Remover (src inc)
6.88This will remove all the cameras from a specified map.
This is useful for watching demos in the map, since you
won't have to worry about the game switching to a 3rd-person view.
It basically replaces the sector effector with lotag of 27
with a blank sprite. It prints a message stating how many
cameras were removed. Expects a version 7 map file.
Duke map generator beta release (src inc)
Jeff Howell
61This package will generate a playable pseudo-random map for the game Duke Nukem 3D.
Includes: Pascal Source Codes
Map Flipper v0.92 (src inc)
Type flip_map in the command line and read the instructions.
Pallete Map25A .map For Duke3d
4This file is a BUILD 'utility' map for Duke Nukem 3D that allows you to sample the game's various sounds. Numbering was done in increments of 10. Simply write down the number of the sound, then tag your corresponding item in Build.
The sounds are based on what is available in your DEFS.CON file. Not all switches trigger a sound.
All switches are triggered at the same time, but the sounds occur individually.
MapTrans - The Duke3D Map extender!
Andrew Wyllie
25With MapTrans, you can create levels any size you want - limited only by your patience and endurance. (Yea but Sprite and Wall limits are still there) Once you have mastered MapTrans, it's use will become automatic. For Duke3D v1.3d Only
JOINER v0.1 (alpha)
Karel Blaskovic
83A program that takes many small pieces of Duke3D levels (structures) and connects them together to make a playable, single or multi-player level.
  • Adding to your library: Making new structures
  • Designating walls as connectable
  • Adding monsters and items
  • Sector, Wall, and Sprite Tags
  • Structures to avoid using in Library maps
  • Respawns
  • Water
  • Sloped floors
  • Relative floors/ceilings
  • Library map numbering
  • Start maps and Nukebuttons
  • Library file size limitation

The WOrm
9Automatically clear the screen after build crashes.
A newer version of my build crash handling program. This time it uses HBreak so you can close build even if it freezes completely!
Build Helper 1o1 (src inc)
Build Helper 1o1
This program adds on to the Build.exe program located on your Duke folder on your C: drive. (((Build can be found in your Nukem3d CDGoodies folder))). Just like build you have to take this file and all this parts and dump them into your DUKE folder on your C: drive. Then just find the file called 'helper.exe' and double click on it. You will be asked to make a choice, pick choice #2. Now you will be asked to type the name of the map you want to work on. If you know a map you want to work on great, if is a new one just make up a name like 'test1' or something. Now it will launch build. Hit the Y key for yes like always and your in build working on the map you chose. To test the map simply save and exit build normally but this time you will be prompted to make a choice before it closes down. The choices are to 1, 'Test map now' or 2, 'Quit build' Pick 1 to test map and it launches your new maps instantly!
After your done testing and exit Duke normally in the dos window after closing you will see it ask you again if... 1, ' Build Map' 2, Quit. Pick build and your back in build working again. Pretty darn cool huh! :) good luck and have fun!
Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Map Checker
6This utility will check if a map is meant to work in Duke3D Atomic only. It will check to see if a map has tiles beyond the limit of the original 1.3D game. This may not be a guaranteed method, but it should be accurate most of the time.
Duke Nukem 3D Viewer v1.0 (src inc)
Matt Tagliaferri
286 This program appears to be a prelude to a Full working DukeCAD program. This version merle views Duke MAPS v1.3d/1.4/1.5 (Includes Source Code)
Check Duke3D Map V1.0 and v1.3
Peter Hardie
89.4This program performs several 'sanity' checks on a duke3d map and prints out some information about the map. It can be useful for either a map builder who wants to check that their map doesn't contain common errors, or it can be used by duke players who download maps and use cdm to tell them whether the map has errors and also whether the map is for Single, Dukematch, and/or Coop play (because either there's no documentation for the map or, as sometimes happens, the documentation file is wrong).

The program only performs some fairly simple tests at the moment but I hope to make it do more extensive tests in the future. It does test for one of the most common and frustrating errors in a map - water transports which kill Duke.

Duke 3D Bitmap Generator (V1.06) (src inc)
Oliver Kraus
194This program produces PCX or laserjet maps of Duke3D levels, extracted from GRP or MAP files.
Generate PCX-Bitmaps or print Duke Maps on your HP LaserJet (150-600 dpi).
The Duke Nukem 3D Bitmap Generator is a great addition to the toolkit of the Duke Nukem player or creator of add-on MAP files. With it, you can output from MAPs or GRPs to a LaserJet printer or save the output to a PCX file for viewing. The output created gives you a complete view of areas, the positions of monsters, access cards and other items, along with the numbers of each item. Using command-line switches, you can customize the output to include starting level, size of output, no access cards, no monsters, and a host of other options. If you play or design MAPs for Duke Nukem 3D, you'll want to check out this easy-to-use command-line program.
'A little secret,
There is a commandline switch '-info' that generates a one-line-description of a specific map. With 'dn3dmap -info *.*' you can generate a complete overview over all files in a directory. One could easily see which levels are dm, coop or single player maps.' -Kraus
Support for the plutonium pak aswell. {Source code is included.}
Duke 3D Map to HPGL convertor
Jeff Howell
21This utility converts any Duke Nukem version 1.3 map file into a Hewlett Packard Graphics Language (HPGL or HGL) plot file. This file can in principle be plotted directly but it is intended for importing into a drawing or DTP package.
Photon Man
21Designed for reading Duke Nukem 3D map version numbers.
Simon Crawshaw
29Readuke is basically a simpler version of build, but with an added feature of telling you how many of each sprite there are in a particular level, ie 5 atomic healths and so on !
Simon Crawshaw
23Sectduke basically tells you how many secotrs or sprites with a certain lotag or hitag (useful for you level creators). You merely specify the numer and it will tell you how many, and other bits as well !
Map Effectx (src inc)
Steve Bennett
105Start of a map editor, no editing ability I think.
This is a readout of a map, after exiting the program.
****** STATISTICS ******

Number of sectors: 317
Number of walls: 1937
Number of sprites: 639
Highest floor: 50176
Lowest floor: -411648
Highest ceiling: 8192
Lowest ceiling: -465920
Total of 73 brown (texture 0) walls
There are 637 two-sided (red) walls (19 maskable)
5 Video Screens connect to 7 Video Cameras. (5 Demo Cameras)
There are 133 solid (blocking) sprites.
There are 138 flat sprites vertically, and 8 horizontally.
In netgames, there are 14 start points, and 14 extra sprites
44 of the 317 sectors are tilted
There are 2 mirrors in this level
Widest Sprite: 168 Thinnest Sprite: 4 Tallest Sprite: 168 Shortest Sprite: 22

Core left now is 407696 (Source Code Included)

Map Viewers Beta
1.22MView maps while there in the GRP file. 2D and 3D views.
BUILD Map converters
v4/25/2012 (w/C src)
Ken Silverman
25How to use these Build Map converters:
Use CONVMAP* to convert Build maps to a NEWER format.
Use BACKMAP* to convert Build maps to an OLDER format.
I realize there is no BACKMAP4. It doesn't exist and I don't plan to make it.
You may refer to CONVMAP5.C for hints.
Study this chart:
EXE name, old map version -> new map version:
>CONVMAP4 [map name(s)] 3 -> 4
>CONVMAP5 [map name(s)] 4 -> 5
>CONVMAP6 [map name(s)] 5 -> 6
>CONVMAP7 [map name(s)] 6 -> 7
>BACKMAP6 [map name(s)] 7 -> 6
>BACKMAP5 [map name(s)] 6 -> 5

Includes: Ken's Instructional text

Map Conv v0.3 (src inc)
63.1 Converts any Build Map from one version to another, supports versions 3 to 7. Since v.3 of the converter, it also supports Capstone's TekWar extensions and BuildMap5 extensions.
oasiz, Ken Silverman
750 -> Eats in '.map' files from Duke3D and Lameduke, possibly other versions as well.
-> Outputs a '.html' that has SVG in it.
-> Able to do some basic comparisons between two .map files
-> All this with a pretty UI that belongs to the 80s!

SVGMAP: one should type map name without the extension.
TROR: When asking for extra params, select 'black on white', I recommend using with autosize.

WAD2MAPpack (src available)
Ken Silverman
137 These tools are from the V1.3d and v1.5w Duke3D CDs.

WAD2MAP - For converting Doom level maps in WAD files to BUILD map files.

WAD2ART - For converting Doom art resources in WAD files to BUILD ART files, PALETTE.DAT, and NAMES.H
Also includes: TRANSPAL, it generates shading/translucence tables from a palette.

DOOM/Heretic to Duke
Olaf Wendlandt
1.5MBLevel converter, now allowing you to run Duke with the original DOOM textures. The textures can be used in BUILD for levels from scratch too.
FIXWD2MP v1.05
J Forster
34FIXWD2MP(accessory to Duke3D BUILD WAD2MAP converter) is designed to fix those HOM you sometimes get when using WAD2MAP to convert Doom WAD files to Duke3D MAP files. That and a few other useful things like changing all sprites from one tile to another,
fixing all the doors tracks, sounds for doors and elevetors &c. It can
also be used to paint walls, floors and ceilings that have that awful
tile 0 that WAD2MAP did not do a good job with (assuming you don't wantto edit DUKE.TXT).
To use it you must use Build to examine the area with the HOM, then using TAB and ALT-TAB ascertain which walls have been assigned to the wrong sector. FIXWD2MP then can be used to assign them to the right sector.
Doom Textures TO .art file format (C src only)
3Exports Doom textures to Duke3d format. For use with the Doom wad to Duke3D map converter that comes with Duke3D.

With Duke3D is delivered a converter of maps Doom towards Duke. It is very well. But when one sees textures on the grounds and the walls, it is less better! The converter that I wrote, exports all textures of a Doom Wad towards a tiles0??.art of Duke3D.

Adereth & Ken Silverman
133Set of utilities to ease creation of LameDuke maps with a BUILD 7 Editor, includes Ken Silverman's BACKMAP and CONVMAP tools available above separately.
LameDuke to Duke3D tile converter (w/src)
Mark Jaskolski
29Basically, this program converts the tile numbers used in Lameduke to their equivilent numbers in the Duke 3D tileset. Where no close match was available, I have simply picked a tile which I thought was close enough (Which doesn't always look as good).

The program expects to find the original lameduke maps (Converted up to version 7 format) in the directory.